A Love (and Explanation) Letter

Hi there!

Since transitioning to virtual styling, I’ve received lots of questions from clients and would-be clients so I wanted to make this super clear and highlight the nature of the transformative Style Therapy process.

Over the last ten years, I’ve served women around Atlanta as well as women who have traveled from across the country to work with me in person. At the end of 2019 I changed my business model to a completely virtual one for a variety of reasons (keep reading). When I say women have LOVED this method... it's been insane. In just fourteen months to date, I've worked with over 150 women virtually.

I've got one intro offer:

Illumination Session

About 88% of the women I work with roll this session (and its price) into my 8 week program:

Style Awakening

My process is one of coaching you into creating a visual aesthetic that matches you from the inside out, which requires you to step on board with me as the co-captain of this new way of Being. This is not conservative or old school personal styling. I use scientifically proven coaching methods to help you shift on an identity level so that you can step into the kind of self-expressed woman that you deserve to be... and have a kick ass wardrobe to accompany you.

I no longer visit women in their homes because it has become abundantly clear that teaching women about their bodies and their choices for themselves is so much more beneficial for the long-haul. Learning about yourself is a never ending process!

As part of my eight week program, I do shop for you! And style your outfits! When your clothes arrive in the mail, I instruct you on all the tips + tricks needed to "make each piece your own." A la carte Style Therapy services become available after the six week process is complete. For those who complete the eight week process, I am always “here” virtually to sprinkle in inspiration, hold personal coaching and energy healing sessions, shop for you and put outfits together in fresh and powerful ways — all to keep boosting your confidence + awareness of what is available to you!

This is not to say that what other personal stylists are doing (aka WHAT I USED TO DO) doesn’t work! Conservative personal styling is more of a "Stylist does everything for you but you don't learn anything" -- it's fun and works fine but it doesn't serve you for the long haul. If you want a Stylist to do everything for you (like a manicure where you sit and get serviced), definitely choose a Stylist who works in that manner.

In the Style Therapy process, you come on board with me and learn my creative process for piecing together powerful ensembles derived from a magnificent wardrobe based on your shape, coloring, lifestyle and vibration. On the fence?
Read the reviews.

If Style Therapy feels like something you'd be interested in trying out, I'd love to have you pop online with me for an Illumination Session! You can also check out more "about me" and my vibe on Instagram. While I am certainly not for everyone and my methodology is pretty "outside of the box," it works for every woman who is open to the process of strip down and build back stronger.

I love you.



Hue & Stripe PROFILE photos


The Intellectual Properties of a Great Outfit