The Intellectual Properties of a Great Outfit

For the longest time I struggled to “put into words” the work of Style Therapy. In fact, if I’m totally honest and vulnerable (you know I am), I must say that I was often shy to talk about my work in the early stages — doesn’t “personal stylist” sound so… surface? Raised in a family that valued education over most anything else, I was initially a little self-conscious about going into a field where I “just worked with clothes.”

Oh, what a naive thought! Clothes are, as all of my clients understand, just… the tip… of… the iceberg.

What we are really doing when we work together
is teasing through old stories, generating new ideas about Self, uncovering Self-Love and returning to Truth.

Can I get an amen? Amen, amen.

I’ve been storing up articles to enlighten those who are still in the dark about the intellectual properties and healing nature of a great outfit, a great wardrobe and high vibes that come from dressing authentically (whether you’re home or elsewhere!) I hope you enjoy them <3 LGC

The psychology of style: What's the real reasoning behind your look?

None are more perplexing, though, than the inability many shoppers have to making over their style, despite their wanting to. If you've ever wondered why you can't break away from the neutral palette or basic black garments you tend to wear, it's likely for a reason deeper than wanting to blend in with the crowd. You're actually responding to cultural signals that are embedded in our collective conscious.

Finding Yourself by Finding Your Style

But choosing what to put on your body is more than just taking something off a hanger and praying it fits. Even the most anonymous black t-shirt says something about who you are, and maybe more about who you want to be. When you get dressed in the morning, you’re constructing an identity. That’s complicated, as producer Angelo Bautista discovered.

The Science Behind WFH Dressing for Zoom

What you wear while working actually matters; Researchers studying ‘enclothed cognition’ say your clothing choices at home can affect productivity and performance

Fashion Psychology: What clothes say about you

The psychology driving our clothing choices and how fashion affects your dating prospects.

Can We Dress Our Way to Feeling Better?

Our clothes are our tools—they are extraordinarily adept at giving us strength, shoring us up, and supporting our needs as a means to ultimately enabling us to show up as the best version of ourselves that we can each day. If we look better, we feel better.

Does Dress For the Job You Want Still Hold Up?

But in this brave, new, comfortable world, what does dressing for success look like? The old adage, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have,” is a little less clear when your boss is in sneakers. Don’t be fooled: clothing can still offer a boost when climbing the corporate ladder, experts say. Today it’s not about specific pieces (no one is calling for a return to mandatory suits at work, thankyouverymuch) but rather a focus on wearing the best version of whatever your office standard is. It’s not about dressing up — it’s about dressing the part.


A Love (and Explanation) Letter


10 Women Who Helped Me LEVEL UP in 2020