What i bought in 2023

a journey through twelve years of entrepreneurship

2022 purchases

I am Who I am Who I am
There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe my love for this woman nor the loss I feel in the wake of her passing. Gram was the definition of elegance while existing completely void of arrogance or opulence.

Hue & Stripe PROFILE photos
As much as I love seeing you hold your children in your lap or a photo of you skydiving, what I REALLY need to see in these particular profile pictures is your SHAPE! I need to see the outline of your body as best as possible. Above I’ve taken my “selfie photos” in black clothes against a light wall for contrast. The face profile photo shows the my skin, eye and hair color very clearly.

A Love (and Explanation) Letter
Since transitioning to virtual styling, I’ve received lots of questions from clients and would-be clients so I wanted to make this super clear and highlight the nature of the transformative Style Therapy process.

The Intellectual Properties of a Great Outfit
For the longest time I struggled to “put into words” the work of Style Therapy. In fact, if I’m totally honest and vulnerable (you know I am), I must say that I was often shy to talk about my work in the early stages — doesn’t “personal stylist” sound so… surface? Raised in a family that valued education over most anything else, I was initially a little self-conscious about going into a field where I “just worked with clothes.”

10 Women Who Helped Me LEVEL UP in 2020
I was a worn out mess at the end of 2019.
I was humbled by the greatest $ year of my life AND I WAS EXHAUSTED. This time last year I was also… totally panicked. How the fuxk could I ever top 2019? How could I work more hours? Reach more people? Host more workshops? Answer more texts, emails + DM’s? I physically, mentally + emotionally could not *achieve* more than I had in 2019, not in the way that I’d been doing business. I’d always thought of burnout as a problem for people who hate their jobs — that wasn’t the case for me. The ultimate truth is this: I was in a love relationship with a business (model) that required every ounce of me, sucked me dry and left me unavailable for anything but more work. I was scared that I might have to leave the relationship. I knew deep down that I needed A LOT of help to dig myself out of my mess and — shift into alignment.

#1 Stylist by Atlanta Magazine
Do what you love.
Believe in the power of your mission.
Respect yourself.
The rest will follow.

The Sustainable Conversation
The Style Therapy model exists to bring women solutions for body, shape, vibration, budget and lifestyle while exposing myths and limited (or negative) mindsets that they may have around what they can and cannot have, achieve, do and manifest. When I shop for a woman, I am shopping for her based on what is required for her body, shape, vibration, budget and lifestyle.