Neurolinguistic Programming is a blanket term that covers a variety of methods used to tap into the subconscious. These methods help you to reprogram the way you speak internally and externally.
sessions may include the following
Neurolinguistic Programming
Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping)
Timeline therapy (TIME)
Meditation & Visualization
Reiki Healing
Energetic Body Readings

what I know for sure
What we say about ourselves internally bleeds into what shows up for us externally. It makes sense to investigate the language we use; that’s where NLP comes in.
Have you ever thought about the words you use to describe yourself?
Have you ever thought about what would pop off of a page if you saw your Inner Dialogue written out?
Our Inner Dialogue is a reflection of our self worth. Our self worth dictates… everything. As you align with higher self-worth, what you attract into your life changes dramatically.
Working with a professional NLP coach will help you identify ways in which you are holding yourself back via the beliefs that you hold about yourself and what is possible for you.
You will be guided and challenged to reprogram the way that you communicate with yourself and with others. Because what you say and believe about who you are shifts your reality.
I originally received Reiki as a way to reduce my own stress levels from working closely with, well, stressed out clients! Upon receiving Reiki regularly, what I learned and became utterly fascinated with is this:
Our energetic bodies are speaking to us in ways that make more sense than anything we can discover about ourselves with the naked eye.
And so, with eight years of personal styling under my belt, I realized that what I really needed to learn to do was comfort others beyond material objects and words. Hence, a Reiki certification.

what I know for sure
Outer Work is not sustainable without Inner Work.
As a Master Reiki practitioner, I have been attuned in a manner that allows me to perform distance healing, which means I can reach you with Reiki energy using my hands hovering over you in-person, standing across the room, the country and even across continents.
While the word “healing” is used in the description of this work, it is important
that women understand that we heal ourselves. Reiki energy healing serves as modality to bring to the surface that which may have been buried deep inside. Once your blocks have been identified, I am here to provide support + guidance as needed. “Blocks” are identified through intuitively reading your chakras. Read more: